Services Sean Safa, Criminal Defence Lawyer, Provides
We Represent You From The Time You’re Arrested
Sean Safa, Criminal Defence Lawyer, represents you from the time you’re arrested, exercising your right to have counsel at the time of your roadside arrest or at the Police station. Serving clients throughout Southwestern Ontario 24 hours a day, Sean Safa’s services include:
Legal advice before or after arrest
Legal advice while in police custody
Contact your potential Surety/Sureties to prepare for Bail
Bail hearings
Peace bond hearings
Pre-trial negotiations with the Crown Attorney
Plea negotiations with the Crown Attorney
Judicial pre-trial conferences
Preliminary hearings
Guilty pleas/ Special Please
Sean Safa represents clients charged with the following criminal offences and more:
Over 80
Operate conveyance while his/her ability to operate was impaired by drugs or alcohol
Within two hours after ceasing to operate a conveyance, have a blood alcohol concentration equal to or exceeding 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood
Impaired care & control
Dangerous driving s. 320 CCC
Careless driving s. 130 HTA
Stunt driving
Domestic assault
Assault by Choking or Strangulation
Mischief under $5000.00
Mischief Over $5000.00
Criminal harassment
Utter death threats
Aggravated assault
Assault causing bodily harm
Possession of a firearm
Possession under or over $5,000
Break & enter (dwelling or commercial)
Call SafaLaw to Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation
Call 519-570-1010 or toll-free at 1-844-SAFALAW (723-2529) if you’re contacted by the police for investigative purposes or if you have a warrant currently out for your arrest. Always ask to speak to your Lawyer.